the gifted children - colorfast anthems

Release date: April 15, 2000.

The first (and, in hindsight, only) studio-recorded album by the gifted children, this is a good overview of the indie rock/folk that they were making in the late 1990s. 17 songs spanning a multitude of styles, ranging from folk to indie rock to alternative to quirky electronic pop.

aaron boucher - drumset on 2-11, 14
brett dreyer - electric guitar on 5, 8, 10, 11 & 14; tenor saxophone on 16
shirley ricker - highland pipes on 17
emma sanders - harmony voice on 17
justin sheehan - acoustic guitar on 6-8 & 16; voice on 6, 8 & 16; harmony voice on 2, 3, 7 & 10; percussion on 16
jeff suszczynski - acoustic and electric guitars on all except 8; voice on all; keyboards on 2, 3, 11, 15 & 17; piano on 7, 9, 13, & 17; drum programs on 3 & 15; bass on 5 & 15; hammered mando-zither on 1; mandolin on 15; drums and percussion on 16; kazoo on 17
bill trautman - electric bass on 2-8, 10, 11, 13, 14 & 16; upright bass on 1, 6, 8, 12, 14 & 17; backing voice on 2, 3 & 11; guitars on 8 & 15; drumset on 1
alexander trimpe - harmony voice on 3 & 15

Recorded at McMaster Studio (Hilton, NY)
Mastered at GFI Studios (Webster, NY)

All songs written by jeff suszczynski except:
6 & 16 by justin sheehan
8 by justin sheehan/bill trautman